St. Camillus, Traumatic Brain Injury Facility
Syracuse, NY
परियोजना का आकार:
6,494 sf (Renoavtion); 5,443 sf (Addition)
The Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Facility provides two components of extended outpatient care, for a full continuum of services to stroke and traumatic brain injury patients. With therapeutic TBI programs to support independent living, the expanded Outpatient Brain Injury Center doubles the therapy area. A new outpatient entrance is augmented with upgraded physical and occupational therapy space, dedicated space for recreational therapy services, additional speech therapy services, and a quiet room.
Serving as a bridge to all services necessary to help people live at home, the Adult Day Health Program offers medically supervised services for individuals with physical and/or cognitive impairments. The renovation / expansion provides space for twelve additional patients plus a full kitchen, shower room, treatment room, and two quiet rooms.
The design incorporated evidence-based design principles for improved outcomes, patient satisfaction, and reduced stress. Such applications include abundant natural light and access to outdoor experiences, as witnessed by the large, bright, open recreation room outlined in windows and the expansive outdoor patio. The organic color palette, in neutral warm colors, promotes a comforting, calm environment.
Modern exterior materials on the addition (colored glass panels, aluminum framing with sunscreens, insulated metal panel system, curved perforated metal screening, curved glass block) contrast the brick vocabulary of the original 3-story building to acknowledge this 21st century facility.