Camp Smith Readiness Center
Cortlandt Manor, NY
92,400 gsf
SPiRiT Gold Certification
Robson Woese Inc.
Watts Engineering
Camp Smith is a New York Army National Guard (NYANG) military installation near Peekskill, NY. Out of 1,585 acres on the property, approximately 94 percent is rugged mountainous terrain ideal for light infantry tactical maneuvers and paramilitary training. The remaining 95-acre installation consists of outdoor ranges with training simulation facilities that are available to military units, law enforcement agencies, and government or civilian organizations.
Following a Base master plan prepared by QPK, the Camp Smith Readiness Center consolidated (9) Westchester County NYANG Reserve Units into one central “campus-like” facility to form the signature architecture for the Base. The design process began with a site-planning charette to identify base infrastructure revisions, road relocations, site improvements and collateral facility projects.
The organizing element is the central circulation spine bisecting the building and terminating in a 3-story atrium at each end, identifying the primary assembly spaces This limited and efficient circulation creates a secure and efficient building design. Department of Defense security measures, anti-terrorism/force protection measures and progressive collapse design standards are integrated into the installation.
The 3-story Center accommodates 425 personnel (includes 73 full time staff assigned to the building); and consists of administrative and training spaces, an assembly hall, lecture hall, classrooms, learning/library center, recruiting office, EOC office, unit support areas with arms vaults, physical fitness and locker rooms, cold storage, flammable material storage and a waste handling facility.